What is a Virtual Career Fair?

Virtual Career Fairs work like an off-line career fair translating a lobby, exhibit halls, booths and other locations into an online 2D environment. Virtual Career Fairs are used to connect job seekers from any location and device (desktop, tablet or phone) with employers. Typically there are live open house hours advertised so that applicants can […]

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What is a Moderated Conference Call?

Moderated conference calls are audio conferencing events monitored and managed by a live operator. Also known as operator assisted conference calling, this conference call service provides better meeting management for large events with enhanced control and productivity. Table of Contents How Do Moderated Conference Calls Work? When Do You Need a Moderated Conference Call? How Do […]

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Virtual Career Fair Success

After 15 years employed at one company, Anu Boddu wanted to broaden her career horizon. So the senior business systems analyst began to peruse online job sites. On Northwell Health’s careers website, she found an ad for a virtual job fair for information technology (IT) positions. The event was also advertised through social media ad […]

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Shareholder Meetings Move Virtual

Virtual Shareholder Meetings are being widely reported as a trend in 2017. Pros: Cost savings, global accessibility, increase audience size and outreach to all constituents. Cons: Cede far too much control to corporate managers during the sole event each year when they must look owners in the eye and listen to their views. Managers presiding […]

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Flash vs. HTML5 Webcasting

Since we introduced our HTML5 Webcasting Service, we’ve been inundated about questions concerning the difference between Flash and HTML5 from our clients and partners. Comparing the two is like comparing apples and oranges. The HTML5 specification has been around for a few years, and has recently picked up steam since Google, Microsoft and Apple announced the […]

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Virtual Trade Show & Webcasting 2016 Benchmark Report

Virtual Trade Shows and Webcasts have become the single most important marketing tool to generate leads and drive new business. Following just a few best practices can make the difference between a huge success and a waste of time and resources​​. Comparing your virtual event performance against a set standard is key to see just […]

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Adobe Connect Virtual Classroom vs Meeting

Since selling and supporting Adobe Connect for over 14 years, one of the most frequent questions from prospective clients is what is the difference between Adobe Connect Virtual Classroom vs. meeting license.  Most clients perceive the need to purchase the Virtual Classroom License because of the name.  However, most clients just need either a Meeting […]

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